A property development company with €11 million in assets – and intentions to develop a Dublin 7 site – owned by the Law Society of Ireland has failed to file accounts with the Companies Registration Office (CRO) since 2022.
The airline the Department of Transport is probing over illegal weapons flights has resumed transporting munitions to Israel through Irish sovereign airspace.
Irish airline ASL has started transporting munitions of war to Israel again despite repeated promises to its Dublin-based staff it had stopped.
The Housing Agency won’t release records to at least 13 homeowners affected by the defective block crisis because the publication of these records, the agency claims, could “endanger the life or safety” of Housing Agency staff.
Fine Gael MEP Regina Doherty said in private messages seen by The Ditch that “Israeli settlements were conducted under international law” and expressed frustration that Hamas had asked the UN to look after Palestinian refugees instead of “their own bloody government”.